2018 Events
- Sat, Dec 01Rock Lake Ministries
- Sat, Nov 17The Wave Church
- Fri, Oct 26Rock Lake Ministries
- Fri, Sep 28Rock Lake Ministries

July 4-8, 2018
Prophecy -
Understanding how to discern the voice of God.
Come as we discuss
-Understanding Prophets
-Understanding Prophecy
-How to discern a Word
-How to handle End Times Prophecy

August 1--5, 2018
Hearing from Heaven -
Unified in Relationship
We will be exploring the following;
Is that You God? Am I praying from fear or faith? How do I pray in agreement, and Grow in authority?
Join us as we learn to let our daily walk be in step with our Father God.

May 18-21, 2018
Called -
Setting your feet on the path of God
Let us all get behind the plan God has for our lives.
Hear speaker testimony of answering the calling from God with "Yes Lord, I will go."

July 11--15, 2018
Power and Authority -
Leadership of Jesus
Join us as we try to come under the Authority of our saviour. Answering the how to Proverbs 4:20-22.
-Disciplined lifestyle
-Fasting as unto the Lord
-Sowing and Reaping
-Healing and Health

August 8--12, 2018
What does it look like to be discipled today? We are called to be and to make disciples, but HOW?
Join us as we take the first steps to life long training.

July 18--22, 2018
Kingdom Thinking -
Taking Responsibility for the Family Business
If we are adopted children of the most high God, and co-heirs with Christ, Do we take our identity as princes and princesses seriously?
Many parts of His body working together toward the goal of building up His Kingdom.

August 15--19, 2018
Where is Your Mission Field?
It is important to live life on mission. Scripture says that faith without deeds is dead. We will be discussing how to get involved at home and abroad to be a ripple maker. Making a difference where ever you are.

Steve Paulson

Identity - From Orphan to Adoption
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As a Christian we are legitimate heirs and co-heirs with Jesus. We will be exploring how to move out of your house, and into the palace. How to accept your adoption and take over your part of the family business.
Guest Speaker - David Braun

Kingdom Finances - Building in the Market Place
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How do we handle our finances? Is it as the world does or as children of the King? Join us as we explore finances from a kingdom perspective.
Guest speaker - Roger Armbruster

5-Fold Ministry - Answering the call on your life
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What are the parts of a leadership team and do we all fit into them? How do we learn to see value in the diverse responsibilities of 5-fold Ministry? Join us as we seek to answer the call on our lives.
Guest Speaker - Claire Braun

Succession Planning Your Discipleship
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We are called to grow our whole life. We are also called to make disciples. How do we keep growing ourselves and others as a part of our being? Join us as we grow together.

Leadership Conference - Unity in Diversity
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FREE Leadership weekend for Church leaders. We will be discussing the what is happening in the Churches that join us, the good and the hard. We will then spend some time in prayer and conversation about how we can work together to build the Kingdom in Unity amongst the diversity.

Sweet Heart
Marriage Retreat
Rock Lake Ministries
Feb 9-11
Rest, fun, refreshment, a romantic diner, connection, engaging sessions, and even breakfast delivered to your room! You can expect all these incredible things at this years “Sweet Heart Marriage Retreat.”
Everyone needs some special set apart time with their sweetheart! This will be such an incredible time of joy, life, growth, encouragement, and of course some set apart time for just you and your significant other to relax and grow deeper in connection with one another and the Lord.
We are so excited to offer to you our second annual, “Sweet Heart Marriage Retreat!” The dates are February 9--11 and will be hosted at Rock Lake Ministries. We only have 10 rooms available so make sure to get your booking finalized! Guests will arrive Friday, the 9th after 4pm. We’ll start with a relaxing session at 8:00 pm and enjoy some night snacks. Saturday will consist of a couple of group sessions, along with a romantic dinner. Saturday will also be a great time to connect with one another, and rest. You can expect breakfast to be delivered to your room Sunday morning, with the retreat ending later in the morning with debrief and a lunch. Cost per couple is $300. Contact us for more information or to reserve your spot!