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Our Speakers

 Apostolic Covering for RLM


Duane’s passion is to see the body of Christ rise in revelation as to our rightful position and identity as Sons and daughters. 

Duane has travelled to Africa, Philippines, Trinidad, and various regions in the United States and Canada with the message of the Father’s Love.

Duane has been pastoring in Winnipeg for 26 years with the last 2 years being at The Wave Church which saw Waves of Glory and Harvest Family Church be reconciled together.  Along with his wife of 27 years Tamara, they have 3 sons – Braden(23) and wife Cassidy-Anne, Caleb (20), and Joel (17).

Duane’s heart is to see people walk in the Father’s love & live in the power of the blessing and then give it away in the world in which they live!



 Apostolic Covering for RLM

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Shirley's main calling from God is to equip, encourage and build up through God’s love, the prophetic, prayer and teaching in order to produce a sustainable move of God. Sent from her church she’s connected with Manitoba Apostolic team ministering to both the Church and leaders including First Nation Regions. She also co leads National Stand on Guard Prayer network. She hosts Regional gatherings, Equipping FIRE, and Equipping School her motto in the Lord is “Connect, Ignite and Explode"

Brad Bell

Board Member for RLM


Brad Bell is a resident of Morden Manitoba and a Spirit filled mighty man of God.  Brad is Currently serving as a board member for Rock Lake Ministry giving his time and his wisdom.  Brad has a passion for the Kingdom of God and seeing the body of Christ come together in unity, power, love and completion.  Brad loves to see the "new" wine that God is pouring out and is always willing to get behind new ideas and deep thinking revelation.  Many people are encouraged when they encounter Brad especially when he is giving them a prophetic word from the Lord.



Guest Speaker


Francis Armstrong is currently the senior pastor and founding apostle of Third Day Worship Centre in Kingston, Ontario. In 1994, God placed a call within Francis’ heart to “raise the standard” of God in Canada.  His heart’s desire is to work and build the church into a storehouse of power, with the outpourings of the gifts of the Holy Spirit – a weapon and a centre of manifold effectiveness.  His ministry and church are distinguished by the viable manifestations of signs, wonders and healings through means of extreme praise. He is respected as an anointed pastor and an accurate prophet who has been the catalyst to launch an apostolic move in Canada, as well as the United States as well as Africa and South America.

Daniel Fewster

Guest Speaker

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Daniels desire is to help people walk in the full power of God, that we may expand and advance the Kingdom of God on the Earth. Through relationship, biblical teaching on healing, prophecy and other gifts, using hands on activation and ministry outreach, Daniel’s vision is to show the body of Christ who they are and how to live a life of power and love.

Terry Thiesen

Guest Speaker


Rev. Terry Alan Thiessen is the Sr. Ministry Pastor for Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada. He loves linking the greater faith community with the ATC community, so that they can join forces to point a broken world to Jesus. He has been married to Sylvia for 23 years and they have one son, Dawson. He can be reached at

Bryan Neisteter

Guest Speaker

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Bryan Neisteter serves as the director of the Gospel Mission Discipleship School in Winkler. He has a passion for prayer and revival, and believes that God is establishing a  prayer and missions movement in Southern Manitoba that is going to impact our nation and the nations of the earth. He also serves as a sessional instructor at Eston College (SK), and before moving back to Winkler was on staff at Sanctuary House of Prayer (Winnipeg) and served as the Manitoba Program Director for Street Invaders, a missions ministry that focuses on equipping the next generation to share their faith in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. 


He notes, “We often look to other places — whether it’s cities or nations, to see what God is doing. But God is wanting to do something right here, right now, in our province. He wants to raise up a Bride that is fully in love with His Son, walking in joyful obedience to Him, and flowing in the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Peter Redekopp

Guest Speaker

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Peter Redekopp has pastored two churches in Southern Manitoba for a total of 21 years of pastoral ministry.  Along with local church ministry he has also traveled to India and Kenya to minister to believers and strengthen churches.  His passion is in the area of growing healthy believers who are planted in healthy churches.  Peter recently got remarried to Audrey after his first wife Marian (married 23 years) passed away after an 18 month battle with leukemia.  Peter believes that systematic teaching of God’s Word will bring about God’s intended transformation in hearts and churches.

Rob & Fran


Guest Speaker

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Rob and Fran Parker are the founding directors of the National House of Prayer (NHOP), located in Ottawa, Canada. Rob studied in the mid-eighties at the Irish Baptist College and Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland before returning to Canada to begin pastoring. In early 2004, Rob and Fran left the church they pastored in Vernon, British Columbia to answer a call of God to move to Ottawa to begin the work of NHOP. The desire to nationally mobilize prayer for government that is better informed, focused, and sustained for Canada as outlined in 1Timothy 2:1-3 is NHOP’s mandate.


The National House of Prayer resides in a former convent where they host prayer teams from across Canada. Rob and Fran passionate to see praying Christians from across Canada linked together as we call on God to awaken the Church to our corporate responsibility to influence Canada with the Gospel message.

David Braun

Guest Speaker


Married to Svea Braun, having four beautiful daughters, David Braun travels and teaches about the Father's life and adventure for believers in Christ.  David grew up in Manitoba, experiencing God's dynamic power and love in his high school, college and work years. After meeting Svea Peterson in YWAM Colorado, they married in 2002. Over the years, they have been involved in leading a variety of outreaches, both locally and to dozens of nations. David helped found and establish a leadership school, as well as served with Svea as youth and administrative pastors.  Presently, David has moved on from pastoral work to start, "All Things New," an initiative with a thrust to see believers established and released in their Christ-identity for the advancement of God's Kingdom in every realm of culture.  This initiative carries a heart for unity among believers, unlocking relationship synergy across various realms of society to release God's love and power.

Roger Armbruster



Roger Armbruster, together with his wife Marge, were deeply impacted by the Jesus People Movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s, and subsequently by the Charismatic Renewal shortly thereafter.  This movement radically changed the direction of their lives and ministry. Roger began to have a vision to see a similar type of family retreat centre come to Manitoba.  The birthing of Rock Lake Ministries occurred in 1979.  Today Roger and Marge are still building upon that legacy.

Femi & Remi


Guest Speaker


Femi Ogunrinde with his wife Remi lead an apostolic team of leaders based out of Lighthouse to All Nations Church in Regina. Femi is graced with apostolic-prophetic anointing and operates in the gift of faith as well. He desires not only to see the church mobilized to engage every sphere of human endeavour but also to contend for the founding principles of our nation.

Guest Speaker

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Pastor Ken serves as the Pastor of Crossfire Worship Centre and is the founder of Ken Fardoe Ministries.  Pastor Ken gave his life to the Lord at an early age but like many walked away from the Lord as he grew into his teenage years. It was in 2001 that he felt the call of God and committed his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. He now has a passion to teach the word of God; carefully unpacking the truth of the scriptures in a way that all people of all ages can understand it.

 Ken also has a passion for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and bible prophecy. He believes we are living in the last days and that it's time for the church to rise up and take the gospel to all the world! Pastor Ken has said that "Christians need to know that the time is short, they must take the mandate of the Lord Jesus Christ seriously and go and preach the gospel to all people in the power of the Holy Spirit"

Guest Speaker


Mike Shreve’s passion is to see New Testament Christianity revealed in the earth: the advance of God's kingdom, the manifestation of His glory and the fulfillment of His promises.  Mike and Elizabeth Shreve pastor “The Sanctuary” in Cleveland, Tennessee.

Mike was raised Roman Catholic and was very committed, serving as an altar boy for many years. However, as a teenager, he strayed away from anything religious. Playing keyboard in a rock band definitely contributed to his descent into darkness. Then the pivotal event happened: a near death experience at the age of 18 that awakened him to the seriousness of life and the importance of living for that which has eternal value. An intense spiritual journey began unfolding. Mike dropped out of college to study personally under an Indian guru, devoting himself completely to the practice of yoga and meditation (embracing many ideas out of Hinduism and New Age spirituality--anything that promised an enlightened state of mind).
Through a series of miraculous divine interventions, the darkness of spiritual deception was driven away during an encounter with the One who said, "I am the light of the world": the LORD Jesus Christ. Immediately after this heart-transforming experience, Mike cancelled all of his yoga classes and closed down the ashram, sharing the uniqueness and exclusivity of Jesus with all his former students. Many of them found the Lord Jesus as well.

Desiring to be fully submitted, and fulfill the call to radical discipleship, he and another brother in Christ gave up all their possessions and money to the poor, and began hitchhiking across the United States, preaching the Gospel on college campuses and street corners.

Mike is a published author whose books include, “65 promises from God for your child,” “God’s promises for your journey,” and “25 powerful promises from God.”


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